30 April 2013

A Few Details To Get The Perfect Tan

Get The Perfect Tan

By Haywood Hunter

You can get the perfect tan by learning about reliable methods to achieve your desires. It is critical that you protect yourself from the hazards that may come as a result of exposure to the sun. In addition, protect your skin from being sun-fried. Avoid getting the wrong idea about the tanning experience since you may never want to be seen on the beach.

You do not have to wait till summer to get the perfect tan. The key thing is to understand that getting your skin all bronzed up is not that easy. You need to remember some critical tips. As much as the sunshine may offer a natural way to develop a tanned skin, there is a vital need to ensure the entire skin is protected. The sun is responsible for the spots, cancer, sagging and early wrinkling of the skin.

The most important thing about get the perfect tan of choice to be sure the risks are put on a minimal. When you decide to go outdoors, you should always have a sunscreen. Many of the products in the shops today come with an SPF rating that determines the extent to which you will be exposed to the sun. This ensures that tanning is gradual to avoid having your skin burnt.

Users can get the perfect tan if sunscreens are applied at least 20 minutes prior to leaving the indoors. When going swimming, you may need to reapply even when the said lotion is waterproof. Do avoid using baby oil to replace a sunscreen to ensure you get the perfect tan. This only ends up allowing more radiation. It is wrong to think that a burn will eventually ensure you get the perfect tan. You may end up with undesired black spots.

To ensure you never get burnt, it remains a great idea to avoid the peak hours. This is the hours between 10 in the morning and four in the afternoon. As well, dress in light and appropriate clothing. Waterproof sunscreen prevents burning when swimming. UV rays tend to have an increased effect when the water factor is included. Tanning your skin gradually is always recommended. You never expect to get the perfect tan in just a single day.

You need to maintain your newly acquired bronze screen to ensure it lasts. If you never want your golden hue to vanish, follow some vital tips. It is very possible to get the perfect tan that works for you. All you need is to moisturize the skin at all times. The reapplication should be done twice a day. In addition, peeling skin will be minimized. The moment the skin peels, that is the end of your tan.

To get the perfect tan, individuals may opt to visit tanning salons. You can control the extent of UV exposure. This makes it a safer option to get the perfect tan compared to the sun. Salons use machines that determine the extent of your bronze skin. You however need to take precaution and choose only professionals. Before visiting warmer climates, it would be a wise idea to attend a few therapies. This reduces the chance frequency of sunburns.

If you wish to get the perfect tan, self-tanning creams come in handy since they offer the safest method. You may resort to using the self-tanner even without becoming orange or splotchy. It remains a splendid idea to choose a screen that has a visible color. This allows you to know the amount of you are using. Before applying, exfoliate the skin to remove dead cells.

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Things To Know If You Are Trying To Find A Seattle Substance Addiction Center

Seattle Substance Addiction Center

By Kasey N. Little

One of the finest rehabilitation facilities is available to assist Seattle substance addiction patients. Alcohol, cannabis, cocaine, heroin and pharmaceutical painkiller addictions can all be included in the various types of treatment for addiction disorders. Later on in this article we will tell you where to find a comprehensive list of other addictive disorders that can receive treatment including eating disorders and gambling addictions.

It is imperative to understand the addiction disorders are totally treatable illnesses. With the help of a rehabilitation center you can achieve a more positive, fulfilled and balanced life. An individualized plan will be best to fit the needs and goals of each patient training them to assume responsibility for their own personal recovery as it motivates and teaches them.

Consider the process of recovery as a journey toward a better life that can start with successful Seattle substance addiction treatment that provides you serenity, hope and healing that you need to begin your journey. The natural environment will provide patients with a combination of a natural therapeutic setting and privacy as they embark on their journey. Patients are encouraged to take part in identifying their problem and their needs in a non-confrontational manner and to help create a plan for their road to recovery as they achieve their goals. This is accomplished with the help of the skilled staff who offer a supportive approach to addictive behaviors through an in-depth assessment of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual conditions to help furnish insight to the type of treatments that can be effective.

The staff consists of talented professionals, many of which who can identify with addiction disorders because they have successfully recovered from them personally. In addition to the staff the center has access to psychiatrists, psychologists, pain management doctors, eating disorder specialists, PTSD psychologists and those who can provide spiritual guidance as part of their consulting relationships. The staff recognizes the importance of inviting a patient into a process of recovery that will encompass improved self-esteem, fulfilling relationships and accomplishing individuals goals that will lead to a full recovery.

Sometimes an individual who seeks help for addictions has also been diagnosed with a co-existing psychiatric disorder, which is frequently uncovered. The illnesses many times can become inter-related in a very complex way for cases of this variety. In order for an individual to obtain a full recovery the treatment of both disorders should be involved. Make certain that you have access to the best care and treatment available for Seattle alcohol treatment or any other type of addictive disorder treatment that is required in situations like this.

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Try This Stress Free Plan To Help Totally Avoid Bruising Easily!

Avoid Bruising Easily!

By Jan Doan

Let's face it, bruising never looks very cool. Yet, some of you might tend to bruise all too easily. If that is the case for you, then you might need to find a few ways that you can go about reducing easy bruising. Now, many people think that when you go to reduce bruising, you have to do a lot of things. They think that you have to use some sort of high end cream or something like that. That's not how it works.

The first way that you can help to reduce your risk of bruising is to eat more fresh, raw foods. Studies have proven this. The reason for this is because when you cook the foods, a lot of time you can cook out a significant portion of the nutrients. These nutrients that you are missing out on is what keeps your skin healthy. So, don't cheat yourself of that. That's the first thing you can do.

There are some vegetables that you should really add to what you eat at meal time. These are the big leafy green vegetables. Cabbage and broccoli are vegetables of that nature. The reason for this is that these have two of the things that you need in your diet. These essential nutrients are bioflavonoids as well as Vitamin C. There are some of these vegetables that also contain vitamin K.

Another thing that you need is zinc. Zinc is found to work on the blood vessel walls as well as the blood clotting process. Both of these attributes are things you need to ensure that easy bruising doesn't become as much of an issue for you. So, do make sure you get more zinc in your diet. It also helps keeps you healthier overall.

Now, you might not think about it, but some of the pain killers that you use to kill the pain in your body can actually worsen your bruising. These include aspirin and ibuprofen. You don't want to take these as it can make the bruising look worse than it would otherwise be. What you really want to take to reduce pain which won't have the effect of increasing your tendency to bruise easily is acetaminophen. Make sure that you read the label to use the proper dosage.

One of the other things that you can do is that you can look at the pain relievers that you have taken. This is something that most people don't stop to think about. There are two pain remedies that are most commonly used that may not be appropriate for you. These are aspirin and ibuprofen, which are not the best choices that you can take if you bruise easily. The reasons for this is because they can act as a blood thinner, which will make any bruising that does occur much more visible.

The last thing that you can do actually involves a raw potato. What you do is that you rub it on an existing bruised area. This will help take away some of the pain. It will also help reduce the discoloration that is there with the bruising. Although this sounds odd, some people swear by their positive results. T his might be something that you would want to try.

Now, that you have some ideas, you can try them. See what works for you and what doesn't work for you. These aren't any secrets so tell other people about it. Other people might be in the same predicament that you're in. Help someone out and see how many bruises you get when you make a few changes to diet and a few other things to try. You should also consider following the all natural, daily supplement program from Bruises Be Banned which has helped people all over the world totally avoid bruising easily.

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The Professionals Available To Help With Seattle Alcohol Treatment Patients Are The Greatest

Seattle Alcohol Treatment

By Meredith R. Quitzon

With the right type of care it is possible to overcome addictive disorders that are actually treatable diseases the Seattle alcohol treatment programs can identify and help overcome successfully. In order for the patient to reach their goals an assessment of that individual must be conducted to decide the correct plan that should be developed. It is also important to determine how the patient is responding to the treatment through frequent reassessments.

The best proven way to change addictive behaviors is through a non-confrontational, supportive approach. Using this process individuals are encouraged to identify destructive feelings and recognize thoughts that influence any kind of negative behavior. In order for patients to sustain their recovery they should be provided with coping skills and tools that can be used in the future when they encounter the influences. This is an imperative therapeutic process the provides the individual with encouragement and empowers them to recognize their behaviors through a tunnel of self discovery. It is imperative for patients to develop the ability to respond rather that react with situations or environments that could trigger a relapse as a key to the success of the individual.

The first 24 month period in a recovery for addiction disorders is a very important time that should furnish essential elements for a path to recovery. The process should incorporate a medical detoxification with comprehensive medical, emotional, psychological and spiritual assessment. This beginning phase can successfully occur in a residential treatment facilities that can adequately provide these types of assistance. The first phase is the very imperative foundation of recovery that is maintained with a minimum six month post treatment phase that is followed by the third phase consisting of continued maintenance for the patient. We will offer you additional details about these phases a little later.

Group therapy sessions that create an opportunity for patients to interact with each other are included the Seattle alcohol treatment programs. The therapy process is designed to incorporate these sessions as an integral part of the therapy to help patients develop relationships that are interpersonal. The point of the groups is to create growth through honest sharing and self-discovery. The important tools that are required by individuals for self-awareness, recovery and relapse prevention should be established by the patient through the treatment program.

The Seattle rehab program focuses on the patient creating a viable relapse prevention plan. Every patient must identify high risk situations for them and create plans to handle those situations as an element of the program. Personal avoidance awareness and escape strategies must be included in plans of this variety. The plan must include the critical components of steps for redirecting any addiction thoughts and how to manage personal distress.

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25 April 2013

6 Ways to Take a Mental Vacation

Mental Vacation

Sometimes you need to get away, but you don't have the time or money. Don't despair: A mental vacation can help reduce your stress.

Medically reviewed by Lindsey Marcellin, MD, MPH
Small stressors can quickly add up to major stress and one big stressful event can send you reeling, with no idea of how to start addressing it. If you could just get away for a little stress relief, you know you would be okay. But too few of us have the time — or the money — to run off on an impromptu vacation.
Well, you don't have to spend a dime or go anywhere other than a quiet spot nearby to take a mental vacation.
Stress Relief: Take Off on a Mental Vacation
If you don’t find a way to reduce stress, your health will pay the price, both mentally and physically. It’s not necessary to get a lengthy massage or head to a beach to relax — you can unwind every day in simple ways and still get a major benefit.
"People who are under a lot of stress have physical problems related to constantly being under stress," says Sally R. Connolly, a social worker and therapist at the Couples Clinic of Louisville in Louisville, Ky. "And if you don’t find ways [to relieve it], even in small periods of time, you can have long-term consequences." It's crucial to add stress relief to your everyday routine, she says.
Connolly suggests learning techniques to reduce stress and trying to sneak in one or two each day. "Even if it's five minutes in the morning and five minutes at night, just find time to do that," she says.
Stress Relief: Six Quick Mental Trips
Visualizing a stress-free place and other relaxation techniques are quick and easy ways to help your whole body calm down and give you just the boost you need to get on with your day. Connolly suggests these six ways for you to slip away on a mental vacation to reduce stress:
  1. Read a book in bed. Connolly says this is a great escape and can leave you feeling refreshed, relaxed, and ready to face whatever is outside your bedroom door. Your bed is warm, cozy, comfortable, and a peaceful place for you. It feels luxurious, and getting lost in a good book is a perfect way to forget, then refocus, your own thoughts.
  2. Visualize relaxation. Steal a few quiet moments to close your eyes and think of an image that relaxes you — such as the warm sun on your skin and the sound of the ocean, a big country field sprinkled with flowers, or a trickling stream. Connolly suggests thinking back to a time when you felt peaceful and relaxed, and focus on releasing the tension from your toes to your head.
  3. Look at pictures from a happy time. Connolly recommends pulling out snapshots from a photo album of a family vacation or a fun dinner with friends. Reflect on your memories of that occasion, and what made it so enjoyable. Spend a few quiet moments reminiscing, and you'll find yourself more relaxed.
  4. Look out a window. Distract yourself by focusing on something other than what's stressing you. Grab a steaming cup of coffee or tea, close the door, and take a mental break. Do a little people watching, appreciate any birds within view, or enjoy some fluffy clouds rolling by. Allow yourself to daydream for a few minutes.
  5. Listen to a relaxation CD. Invest in a couple of these CDs for a short daily escape, says Connolly. You may like to hear chirping birds, rolling waves, or gentle rain — whatever your choice, closing your eyes and listening to these soothing sounds while doing some deep breathing can help you relax and de-stress.
  6. Take a walk. Exercise is a great way to relieve stress because it's a great escape for your mind. Head out for a quiet early morning walk or lace up your sneakers on your lunch break. Walking along a trail, waterfront, or other peaceful place when possible may offer even more relaxation.
Treat yourself to a 5-, 10-, or 20-minute mental vacation each day and train your body to relax and reduce stress — you'll be amazed at how much better you feel after taking just a few luxurious moments all to yourself.